Friday, May 29, 2009

Strange Church Signs

There is a church across from ours that has a sign board out front to advertise. Jason was driving buy and todays message was "Be Jesus with Skin" we are so confused by this. The New Testament states that Christ has a body of flesh and bone, which totally us opposite of the statement on the sign. Yes, this is a Christian denomination. I find it interesting, how diverse the CHristian world is and how wide their different beliefs can be. I don't want to go on a tirade, but I did want to share that. Thanks for listening!


Grandma Caroline said...

Hi Sabrina, I finally got around to visiting your blog and have sent you an invite to mine. I am really suprised at the amount of misinformation out there about Jesus. Isn't this what he talked about when he talked about the last days? It was so fun to visit your family and your little one is a gem! We had a great time

Emma said...

Yeah, David and I had to take a second look at that sign too. David said it would have made more sense if they had put, "Be LIKE Jesus- with skin on." It sounds kind of blasphemous with it saying to be Jesus with skin on....interesting.
There is a lady at the end of our street that goes to that church...maybe I'll ask her about it ;).