Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. Worst week ever!!!
2. Caylee woke up with the stomach flu on Saturday.
3. Bryce woke up with it this morning.
4. Jason came home with it.
5. I am working for ideas on my book, now I just need to find time to start writing. I am getting really excited about it and hope that I can actually do it.
6. I found the Masterpiece mini-series, "Downton Abbey" this week and it is amazing. If you like British movies and time period shows, you will love this. I watched the last episode today and it ended on a real cliffhanger, I am excited for the second season this year.
7. For Valentines day I scrubbed the bathroom, that was my present to Jason and he loved it. His love language is service and it meant a lot to him, I also did three loads of laundrey, changed the bedding and vacuumed the bedroom. I say that is a pretty productive day.
8. I miss Rose, a couple of times today I kept waiting to see her come down the stairs and when I realized she wouldn't I creid a little.
9. Business is a little slow right now, I haven't got to many inquiries lately and I am worried. If anyone wants to send prayers our way, please feel free.
10. I am looking into getting a grant for my business and maybe opening up a studio. I know I have to many ideas, but they all keep coming up. It is never bad to dream.

1 comment:

aswigfromthesiggs said...

Downton Abby is awesome! I am glad you got a chance to watch it.